Wednesday, July 25, 2012

International Numbering Plan

Hi Again,

       On top of the Malaysian MNP number verification, I would also like to share the International Numbering Plan where you can look at your mobile number and the Original Network provider that you currently using.

        Here are the snapshot of the web-page and you can see there has a lot of options that you can look around. Please give a try and enjoy!

One of the menu in there.

Some sample using the Malaysian MSISDN.

Malaysia MCMC MNP

Hi Folks,

       Please refer to below web-page if you would like to check which Telco Operator that your family member, buddy, colleague tied to. This would be easy for you to check whether you are calling on-net or off-network. Enjoy!

MTN Nigeria employs Ericcson SSR 8020

Please refer below link for article details:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

SMPP Error code

Error NumberError NameError Description
0x00000000ESME_ROK No Error
0x00000001ESME_RINVMSGLEN Message too long
0x00000002ESME_RINVCMDLEN Command length is invalid
0x00000003ESME_RINVCMDID Command ID is invalid or not supported
0x00000004ESME_RINVBNDSTS Incorrect bind status for given command
0x00000005ESME_RALYBND Already bound
0x00000006ESME_RINVPRTFLG Invalid Priority Flag
0x00000007ESME_RINVREGDLVFLG Invalid registered delivery flag
0x00000008ESME_RSYSERR System error
0x0000000AESME_RINVSRCADR Invalid source address
0x0000000BESME_RINVDSTADR Invalid destination address
0x0000000CESME_RINVMSGID Message ID is invalid
0x0000000DESME_RBINDFAIL Bind failed
0x0000000EESME_RINVPASWD Invalid password
0x0000000FESME_RINVSYSID Invalid System ID
0x00000011ESME_RCANCELFAIL Cancelling message failed
0x00000013ESME_RREPLACEFAIL Message recplacement failed
0x00000014ESME_RMSSQFUL Message queue full
0x00000015ESME_RINVSERTYP Invalid service type
0x00000033ESME_RINVNUMDESTS Invalid number of destinations
0x00000034ESME_RINVDLNAME Invalid distribution list name
0x00000040ESME_RINVDESTFLAG Invalid destination flag
0x00000042ESME_RINVSUBREP Invalid submit with replace request
0x00000043ESME_RINVESMCLASS Invalid esm class set
0x00000044ESME_RCNTSUBDL Invalid submit to ditribution list
0x00000045ESME_RSUBMITFAIL Submitting message has failed
0x00000048ESME_RINVSRCTON Invalid source address type of number ( TON )
0x00000049ESME_RINVSRCNPI Invalid source address numbering plan ( NPI )
0x00000050ESME_RINVDSTTON Invalid destination address type of number ( TON )
0x00000051ESME_RINVDSTNPI Invalid destination address numbering plan ( NPI )
0x00000053ESME_RINVSYSTYP Invalid system type
0x00000054ESME_RINVREPFLAG Invalid replace_if_present flag
0x00000055ESME_RINVNUMMSGS Invalid number of messages
0x00000058ESME_RTHROTTLED Throttling error
0x00000061ESME_RINVSCHED Invalid scheduled delivery time
0x00000062ESME_RINVEXPIRY Invalid Validty Period value
0x00000063ESME_RINVDFTMSGID Predefined message not found
0x00000064ESME_RX_T_APPN ESME Receiver temporary error
0x00000065ESME_RX_P_APPN ESME Receiver permanent error
0x00000066ESME_RX_R_APPN ESME Receiver reject message error
0x00000067ESME_RQUERYFAIL Message query request failed
0x000000C0ESME_RINVTLVSTREAM Error in the optional part of the PDU body
0x000000C1ESME_RTLVNOTALLWD TLV not allowed
0x000000C2ESME_RINVTLVLEN Invalid parameter length
0x000000C3ESME_RMISSINGTLV Expected TLV missing
0x000000C4ESME_RINVTLVVAL Invalid TLV value
0x000000FEESME_RDELIVERYFAILURE Transaction delivery failure
0x000000FFESME_RUNKNOWNERR Unknown error
0x00000100ESME_RSERTYPUNAUTH ESME not authorised to use specified servicetype
0x00000101ESME_RPROHIBITED ESME prohibited from using specified operation
0x00000102ESME_RSERTYPUNAVAIL Specified servicetype is unavailable
0x00000103ESME_RSERTYPDENIED Specified servicetype is denied
0x00000104ESME_RINVDCS Invalid data coding scheme
0x00000105ESME_RINVSRCADDRSUBUNIT Invalid source address subunit
0x00000106ESME_RINVSTDADDRSUBUNIR Invalid destination address subunit
0x0000040BESME_RINVBALANCE Insufficient credits to send message
0x0000040CESME_RUNESME_SPRTDDESTADDR Destination address blocked by the ActiveXperts SMPP Demo Server